Timberline Lions Club, Wrightwood, California 92307

Timberline Lions

Local landmark in Wrightwood, Ca
Lions-We Serve

What Are Lions All About?

1.3 million Lions (men and women) in 200 countries and geographic areas conduct vision and health screenings, build parks, support eye hospitals, award scholarships, assist youth, provide help in time of disaster and much more.

Timberline Lions (Our Club)

Club history...

Lions International Foundation

Lions Clubs International Foundation is Lions helping Lions serve the world. Donations provide funding in the form of grants to financially assist Lions districts with large-scale humanitarian projects that are too extensive for Lions to finance on their own. The Foundation aids Lions in making a greater impact in their local communities, as well as around the world. Through LCIF, Lions ease pain and suffering and bring healing and hope to people worldwide.

Grants provide both immediate assistance following natural disasters and long-term disaster relief for reconstruction efforts. Grants help preserve sight, combat disability, promote health or serve youth.

Every dollar donated to LCIF goes toward a grant. Lions support is crucial as donations from Lions provide the majority of LCIF's revenue. LCIF receives a small amount of funding from foundations and corporations. It receives no club dues. LCIF is truly Lions helping Lions.

Since LCIF began in 1968, it has awarded nearly 8,000 grants totaling US$578 million.

Timberline Lions Club
P.O. Box nnn, Wrightwood, California 92397
Email: info@timberlinelions.com

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Last update: 20 November, 2022

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